Headers & Skills

You are preparing to enter a game world using the Accelerant system. The system is designed to be simple in concept and execution, yet have a rich and varied set of skills and abilities with which to develop characters and stories. To do this we have created a set of Core Rules that defines all of the effects of the game and presents them to you within the first chapter of the rule book.

All skills and special abilities refer back to these Core Rules, so once you have learned the Core Rules you know how to react to effects from any Accelerant game, even though the skills or abilities that allow a character to use those effects may be very different.

Resurgence LARP Specific

You will see some sentences marked out in this chapter in this red color. Those are Resurgence LARP specific notes on the Core Rules.

Open Skills

Archery1You are skilled in the use of bows and crossbows. You can fire 20 arrows for uncalled damage. After 20 arrows you must spend one minute of activity to refresh your quiver by role playing cleaning and fletching another set of arrows. Arrow attacks with a verbal due to a skill or enhancement do not count against this total.
Artisan (Type)*2You have some craft that allows you to make a living. Crafts provide two Shards at the beginning of each event. You may purchase this skill more than once, but no more than five times, choosing a different skill with each purchase. Examples include blacksmith, leather worker, jewelry maker, tinker, woodsmith, baker, cook, brewmaster.
Buckler1You may wield a buckler as described in the weapon crafting rule
First Aid1This skill takes one minute of role play bandaging wounds to prevent someone from dying of blood loss. At the end of the role play call "Stabilize"
Improved First1Reduces the role play time of first aid to 30 seconds.
Light Armor0You may wear 2 additional point of armor. If your armor is destroyed, you may not refresh this armor on the field. Destroyed armor must be refreshed at a forge with the Smithing Skill.
Light Source0We all need light to help us from time to time. Whether by magic or alchemy or mundane means. This skill allows you to use a green or blue Cylume stick or similar make for illumination with no attribute cost. You may not throw the light, but you may hand it to others or put it down. The light will last as long as the prop continues to glow and you may activate more as you wish. You may not break open the stick. If you have an idea for a different way to represent the light we encourage you to contact the staff to discuss it.
Locksmith1This skill allows you to attempt to pick game locks. You can attempt to pick locks that are opened by keys and to open combination and puzzle locks.
Minor Concealment0When you are searched, you do not have to hand over treasure that is not of story or plot significance. Alchemy items, coins, bank notes, and the like may be kept. Items such as your notebook of key information or the shard of an artifact that is a villain’s weakness would not be covered by this skill.
Bloom Ritualist0You may use Brilliance to cast rituals.
Smithing2This skill allows you to refresh someone's armor if the armor has been reduced to zero. It will also allow you to repair armor/weapons if it has been destroyed after 1 minute of roleplay. Armor must be removed from a person and worked on (rping repairing) at a forge to refresh or repair it.
Sturdy People0If you are dropped to zero Vitality with a called damage attack of two or less, you fall to the ground Stable instead of Unstable.
Thrown Weapon1You are skilled in the use of thrown weapons. You may carry up to 3 thrown weapons on your person for each time this skill is purchased. When you pick up a thrown weapon after it has been used you must spend 10 seconds cleaning the dirt and blood off the weapon, sharpening it, and checking the balance before you use it again. You may, however, clean all your thrown weapons in one 10 second session
Trap Master1This skill allows you to attempt to arm or disarm traps. Without this skill you can try to sidestep traps, but you cannot attempt to manipulate them without setting them off. In order to disarm a trap you must actually use tools to prevent the mechanical trigger from setting off the part that makes noise and causes damage to you.
Vitality 24Your Vitality is permanently increased by one.
Vitality 14Your Vitality is permanently increased by one.
Weapon (Type)*1You are skilled in the use of one type of weapon that must be chosen when the skill is purchased. Some exotic weapons are not included in this skill. You may purchase this skill once for each type of weapon you wish to learn. The weapon types are Blades, Axes, Hammers, Staves, Spears, Polearms, and Clubs. When wielding a two handed weapon you may block attacks with one hand wielding the weapon as long as you are not holding a weapon in the other hand.
Prophetic Defiance0You are immune to attacks with the "Dark Portants" Trait.

Hospitality Skills

Hospitality Skills0If you have 7 points spent into Hospitality Skills you gain the trait : Hearthbound
A Place to Rest3Battle taxes the soul and body in unfathomable ways and a place to recover in good company is priceless. To use this skill you must make a space for people to come and rest where they know they are welcome. You should have drinks available and otherwise create a warm and comforting atmosphere for those who happen by. You will then gain the ability to touch visitors with a packet and call out “With Hospitality, Grant Elude Melee Attack” once they have relaxed there for a while.
Fireside Bonding3To use this skill you must organize and supply a time of camaraderie at a Fire Pit for others to participate in. Doing this allows you to touch each participant with a packet and call out “With Hospitality, Grant Resist Fear.” At the end of this time you may also refresh one of your own previously used per event skills. This latter ability may, itself, only be used once per event with no attribute cost. Afterwards you must exhaust a point of Vigor to use it as well as organizing a second full Rubyside time of bonding.
Full Stomach1A good meal can provide warmth, comfort, and bolster the body against harm. To use this skill, you must feed a group of people in a communal meal together. When they are finished eating, you may immediately touch each with a packet and call out “With Hospitality, Grant Resist Poison.” This skill may be used once per event with no attribute cost. Afterwards you must exhaust a point of Vigor to use it.
Home3You create a place where you can feel at home even in a far off land. To use this skill, you must decorate your cabin space to look fully in game and as a rich and interesting part of the setting. The goal is to make as many spaces in the game area feel atmospheric. If you do this you gain an additional Vitality point that will stack with Vitality from other sources. Multiple people in the same cabin can each use and benefit from this skill as long as they have come to agreement on how to divide the effort among themselves.


Novice Alchemist2May Make Minor Alchemical Brews. Grants 2 Alchemical Crafting Points.
Apprentice Alchemist2May Make Minor Alchemical Brews. Grants 2 Alchemical Crafting Points.
Journeyman Alchemist2May Make Minor Alchemical Brews. Grants 2 Alchemical Crafting Points.
Adept Alchemist2May Make Minor Alchemical Brews. Grants 2 Alchemical Crafting Points.
Expert Alchemist2May Make Minor Alchemical Brews. Grants 2 Alchemical Crafting Points.
Compound Alchemical Creation2May use Brilliance to create items requiring Advanced Alchemy. You must have 3 purchases of Minor Alchemy to access this skill.
Resist Poison2Exhaust a point of Body to call "Resist" to the Poison Trait.
Alchemical Network4This is an information skill. Like in all highly specialized and skilled professions Alchemists gather together to share knowledge, network, and complain about their clientele. During these times they will also often discuss other events of the day and issues that may impact them. Between events you may submit a topic of interest you hope your peers will have information about. You may only use 1 information skill per event.
Stabilize1Your skill and knowledge of the body allows you to quickly bind the wounds of your fallen allies. Roleplay 10 seconds of binding wounds, before touching them and calling out "Stabilize."
Sell Wares1You often have small substances to sell. At check-in recieve 2 Shards.
Mixologist0You must have 18 points in the alchemy header (not counting the header purchase) to purchase this skill. Occasionally in crafting you produce something with unexpected results. May draw an envelope at the beginning of the event for random alchemical brews. While the quality and quantity of the brews are random there is a chance for an envelope to contain unique brews otherwise unable to be crafted.
Flameproof1Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Resist" to the Fire Trait.
Strong Mind3Long hours of careful discipline and meditation have strengthened your mind against outside influence. You may exhaust two points of Body and call out “Purge [Effect]!” to purge a single effect delivered with a Mental Trait. If you have multiple effects delivered with Mental Traits you must purge them individually.


Allowance2You come from a wealthy family, Shards are easy to come by. You receive 2 Shards at check in.
Step Back2Speak your incant and call "Repel by Awe" and make a packet attack. You need to take a long rest to use this skill again. If you are actively not in combat, and you are speaking with another, you may instead make this attack "Double Repel by Awe" to ensure you're understood that you do not wish to be bothered with such trivial matters.
Couriers3This is an information skill. You have access to some of the best couriers on the continent. Between events you may send up to three letters to NPC's. You must have an approximate location for the npc to send the letter. You may only use one information skill each event.
Unimpressed2You may exhaust on point of Mind to call out "Resist Mental by Indifference".
Answer the Summons1If you have received a formal invitation to a party or negotiation, you may go to spirit when it is time to depart and then walk directly to the venue. You may not speak or use any other skills or abilities, or otherwise interact with other people or objects. You must call out “Spirit” if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attack “To Spirit” will affect you and end the spirit form. The spirit trait will fade when you arrive at the entrance to your destination. You may activate it again to return to your previous destination. This skill may be used once per event with no attribute cost. Afterwards you must exhaust a point of Vigor to use it.
Dressed to Impress0You must have 5 points in the aristocrat header (not counting the header purchase) to purchase this skill. You may focus for one minute to gain two armor points. These points may further be refreshed after being expended with a minute of Focus. These points do not stack with any other armor points and are lost if you use armor points from any other source. A Grant of armor will work with this skill. You must be wearing clothing befitting a high station to use this skill.

Battle Leader

Battle Leader3Banner must be a minimum of 18x24 inches held at a height of 7 feet. The banner pole may not be used for blocking unless it is built appropriately and you have the skill to use a 2 handed weapon. The flag portion of the banner is immune to attacks as per the Costume Rules. You may not use the banner to block doorways or as a shield.
The Initiation0You may touch a willing target, wearing your group symbol and call out "Imbue (GROUP trait)". You may do this to up to 10 people including yourself.
Stabilize to Group0You may call out "By My Voice, Stabilize to (GROUP trait)". You must take a short rest before using this skill again.
Rise up!3You may call "By My Voice, Heal 2 to (GROUP trait)." This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
I'm With You to the End of the Line2You inspire your team with motivational and heartfelt speeches to them. Spend 5 minutes speaking with the members of your group. While doing so, you may hold their gaze for 3 seconds and say "By my gaze, grant X to (group trait)" where is a choice of Grant 2 Protection, Grant Resist Fear, Grant Resist Frenzy, or Grant Elude vs Called Attack. You may not use this skill again on a target until they have used up the grant you bestow.
The Banner of1May cast Wizard, Battle Mage, and Druid spells while holding banner in the offhand. Your casting hand must remain free.
Cure Fear to Trait1Exhaust a point of Spirit and call "By My Voice, Cure Fear to (GROUP trait)
Keep Going!2Speak a sentence of motivation and call out "By My Voice, Refresh 2 (Attribute) to (Group trait)." You may only cure Mind, Body, or Spirit with this skill. This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
On Me!1exhaust a point of Spirit and call "By My Voice, Cure Root to (GROUP trait)"


Bond0Once per event you may perform a 1 minute ritual to Bond a person to you. That individual becomes your Bonded.
Stabilize0You may call out "By your Name, (Name of Bonded), Stabilize by Bond".
Heal1exhaust a point of Spirit and call out "By your Name, (Name of Bonded), Heal 2 by Bond".
Take Effect2You have discovered the art of using magic to transfer negative effects. If your bonded is under the effects of a Repel, Silence, Maim, Root, or Weakness, choose one. Touch your Bonded and call out “Diagnose." If you are not already suffering from the effect, touch your Bonded and call out “Cure X by Bond” then "X to Self."
Cure Mental1exhaust a point of Mind and call out "By your Name, (Name of Bonded), Cure Mental by Bond".
Grant Resist2Exhaust a point of Spirit, touch your Bonded, and call (Grant Elude Melee, Elude Missile, or Elude Packet)."
Grant Protection2Exhaust a point of Spirit, touch your Bonded, and call (Grant 2 Protection)."
Give Attribute1You may touch your Bonded call out "Refresh 2 (Attributes) by Bond". This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Cure Frenzy2Exhaust a point of Mind and call out "By your Name, (Name of Bonded), Cure Frenzy by Bond".


Duelist3All effects done in formal duel where the specifics are agreed upon by all parties before the duel begins.
Always Prepared3You start that duel with all skills, and attributes. Before the duel begins, you must announce, “I am always prepared to duel”. This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Raise the Stakes1Exhaust 1 Spirit and gain a melee attack for “Stricken by Honor”. If this attack is not negated by a defense you must call out “Inflict Stricken to Self by Honor”. You may not negate this Inflict in any way. However, your opponent and/or yourself may Purge it if you have an ability or item that allows you to do so. However, if the person who uses Raise the Stakes ends the Stricken before their opponent does it is often seen as a dishonorable act. Note: This skill will prevent A Polite Duelist skill from working.
Accept The Terms1You gain the ability to use any weapon or weapon style as required for the duel. Additionally, you may transfer your called melee attacks to any melee weapon chosen for this duel. You may transfer your called ranged attacks to any ranged weapon chosen for this duel. This does not apply to packet-based spells.
Seal the Deal1If upon the completion of the duel the loser does not follow through with the terms of the duel you may call "By your name, (Name), Inflict Dishonorable Trait." You will then hand that person the "Inflict Dishonorable Trait" card.
A Polite Duelist1Once per Duel, if you find that your opponent did something impressive, skillful, or clever; you may nod to them with a smile and compliment them on it. If they thank you for the compliment, you may immediately heal yourself with “Heal 2 to Self”. This Skill will not work if Raise the Stakes has been used.
A Gracious Victor0After winning a duel, you may touch your opponent and call out “Cure Stricken and Heal 2 by Honor” to get your opponent to their feet.
Flick of the Wrist2You may exhaust a point of Mind and strike the target weapon and say "Disarm".


Hunter3Available Traits: Beast, Zoophyte, Undead, DragonKin, Elemental, Fae
Choose Trait0You have spent time hunting or studing a specific type of creature. You may choose on of the following to be used for skills purchased in the Path of the Hunter.
Expose Trait2You may call out "By My Voice Expose X.
Silence Trait1Exhaust a point of Spirit and call out "Silence by Curse to (Trait)" and make a packet, melee, or missle attack.
Repel Trait2Exhaust a point of Mind and call out "Repel by Curse to (Trait)" and make a packet, melee, or missle attack.
Heal Trait1Exhaust a point of Spirit and call out "Heal 2 by Curse to (Trait)" and make a packet, melee, or missile attack.
Weakness Trait1Exhaust a point of Mind and call out "Weakness by Curse to (Trait)" and make a packet, melee, or missile attack.
Damage to Trait2Exhaust a point of Body and call out "5 Damage by Curse to (Trait)" and make a packet, melee, or missile attack.
Choose a Second Trait5Your studies have led you to have a greater knowledge of other creatures. You may choose a second trait from the provided list to be used for your Hunter Skills.


Extra Warning1When you use your Taking the Omens Skill you may call "Grant 4 protection to self."
Mystical Understanding2By spending 2 minutes reading someone’s fortune in your preferred method you may assist them in their efforts. This skill cannot be used on yourself. You may not use this skill on the same target again until they have used up the previous Grant you bestowed. After the reading you touch the target of your divination and bestow one of the following effects Grant 2 Protection, Grant Resist Despair, Grant Resist Silence, or Grant Elude vs Called Attack.
Divination3This is an information skill. You are skilled at divining potential future and past events. Between events submit a topic in which you would like to divine. You may only use one information skill each event.
Taking the Omens0You must have 5 points in the Fortune Teller header (not counting the header purchase) to purchase this skill. You may perform an augury using your preferred method when you are aware, in advance, of an upcoming battle or significant encounter. To prepare yourself, you first go to the designated area where the omens are kept and withdraw one at random. You may then perform the augury where you wish. After your augury is complete you may open the omen you drew and learn the effects. The time spent studying the omen is the minimum time to decipher your results. Omens will come in two major categories. Sometimes the omens favor you and your allies. When this is the case you will be responsible for delivering the Ambient effect(s) as described in the Omens you drew. These effects will aid you in some way. Sometimes the Omens do not favor you directly and instead are Dark Portents for your enemies. In this case you will be responsible for delivering the Ambient effect(s) as described but they will hinder your enemies in the coming encounter. This skill may be used once per event with no attribute cost. Afterwards you must exhaust a point of Vigor to use it. You may only use this skill once for a particular encounter. If you use this skill with a previous Omen effect still pending then the first Omen is replaced by the second.
Trusting Fate1You may exhaust one point of Mind to call out "Resist Fear by Knowledge".
Predict2You may call upon on your knowledge of the unknown (using your appropriate method for fortune telling) to solve a puzzle or answer a riddle. Once per Long Rest you may autocomplete a puzzle. This skill may not always work. If you attempt to use it, and it does not work, you have not expended the skill for that Long Rest.


Runic Knowledge3This is an information skill. You have spent so much time studying rune smithing you have developed a great sense of how to find out information about runes. Between events you may submit some questions about an item / rune you have in your possession.
Curio Merchant1You often have small runes to sell. At check-in recieve 2 Shards.
Novice Runesmith2May Make Minor Runes. Grants 2 Rune Smithing Crafting Points.
Apprentice Runesmith2You gain 2 Rune Smithing Crafting Points. You must have Novice Runesmith to purchase this skill.
Journeymen Runesmith2You gain 2 Rune Smithing Crafting Points. You must have Apprentice Runesmith to purchase this skill.
Adept Runesmith2You gain 2 Rune Smithing Crafting Points. You must have Journeymen Runesmith to purchase this skill.
Expert Runesmith2You gain 2 Rune Smithing Crafting Points. You must have Adept Runesmith to purchase this skill.
Energizing Crystallization3You have a vast knowledge of the Bloom and how to manipulate it. Roleplay breaking a Imbued Shard, touch your target and call "Refresh 2 X by Crystal. By breaking Red gems you may refresh Body, Yellow gem you may refresh Mind, Green gem you may refresh Spirit.
Rune Sage2May use Brilliance to create items requiring Advanced Rune Smithing. You must have Journeymen Runesmith to purchase this skill.
Glyph Experimentation0You must have 18 points in the Runesmith header to purchase this skill. Occasionally in crafting you produce something with unexpected results. May draw an envelope at the beginning of the event for random Enchanting Runes. While the quality and quantity of the runes are random there is a chance for an envelope to contain unique runes otherwise unable to be crafted.
Arcane Nullification2Exhaust 2 points of Spirit to call "Resist" to a packet attack.
Solid Creation2Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Resist" to the Destroy Effect


Compendium Scribe0You must have 5 points in the scribe header (not counting the header purchase) to purchase this skill. The Compendium is built and maintained by the most diligent scribes and the Compendium returns the favor. This skill allows the Scribe to access the Compendium buffs as explained in the information card.
Shared Knowledge2Scribes are often in the position to teach others. This skill allows the scribe to empower a group after spending 5 minutes explaining a topic they are familiar with and answering questions to the best of their ability. After the 5 minutes the scribe may touch each participant and call "Grant "X" by Knowledge." You may not use this skill again on a target until they have used up the grant you bestow. You may choose from the following list: Grant 2 Protection, Grant Resist Confusion, Grant Resist Drain, Grant Elude Called Attack".
Hidden Book1Exhaust one point of Body to hide an object from searching. The item must not be openly visible. While active the hidden item does not need to be revealed to someone searching you. This spell lasts until you rest to refresh the attribute.
Second Look3This is an information skill. You often catch things in your notes that you missed when you were writing them. Between events you may submit the notes you have personally taken about a particular topic/discussion for which you were present. You may then ask a clarifying question about the notes or simply allow staff to make a correction if warranted. You may only use one information skill each event.
Subtle Scribe1You are skilled at being unnoticed while taking notes. Exhaust 2 points of Spirit and state "Imbue by Shadow" to enter the spirit state. In order to use this skill you must be taking notes. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally. You may not move while in this state (with the exception of a single step for safety or footing reasons.)
Contracts / Negotiations2You are able to strengthen someone you have engaged in a service contract. To use this skill you must first execute a formal written contract with someone that involves genuine terms of their service for you and how you will compensate them. From then on you may exhaust a point of Mind to call out “By Your Name, [Name Of Contractor], Grant 4 Protection by Pact!” If the service contract has legitimate terms extending more than one event than a new one is not needed to empower this skill so long as it remains in force. The Grant portion of this skill may only be used in battle.


Counter Intelligence3This is an information skill. You are skilled at seeding information to the world. Between events you may submit a brief bit of information you wish to get out to a specific people or factions. You may only use one information skill each event.
You've got a Tell2Once per long rest, after 10 seconds of Focus on a person, you may call "By my Gaze Expose (Nation)". You may choose any nation in the world lore. You may not use this skill again on that same person for the rest of the event.
Intuition0You must have 5 points in the Spy path (not including the path cost to purchase this skill.) Before entering a module, you may cast a spell on the guide who brings you. Exhaust 1 Spirit and say "Imbue by Shadow". You may then ask the guide 3 yes/no questions about what may be within. The guide may answer with information about the power of the monsters, if it is a trap, or something else. The guide may not answer for whatever reason.
Subtle Misdirection1You may exhaust a point of Spirit, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Magic". You are now immune to "expose (Path) and (Nation)" effects, and need not make a verbal call of "no effect." This spell lasts until you take a long rest.
Spirit Foresight2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit and state "Imbue by Shadow" to enter the spirit state. In order to use this skill you must be in an area of shadows or darkness. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light or hands held in front of you. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally. You may not move while in this state (with the exception of a single step for safety or footing reasons.) A light being brought into your vicinity after you have entered Spirit State will not remove the effect.
Know Folks2Your dealing with information often earn you a small stipend. You collect 2 Shards at check in.

Battle Mage

Battle Mage5You cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Life Tap2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to call "2 Damage by Water" and make a packet attack. You may then call "Heal 1 to Self."
Sorcery and Steel3You are skilled with two-handed weapons. You may cast spells holding this weapon as long as one hand is free.
Skin of the Warrior3You are skilled at casting spells, even while wearing heavy armor. You may wear an additional 2 points of armor. If your armor is destroyed, you may not refresh this armor on the field. Destroyed armor must be refreshed at a forge with the Smithing Skill.
Repair Armor4Roleplay adjusting your armor for 60 seconds and call out "Refresh Armor to Self."
Triage1You may touch a target and call "Diagnose by Water". There is no limit to the number of times you may diagnose. You may diagnose any elemental, mental, metabolic, or physical trait, as well as "Light", "Curse", and "Shadow"
Soothe the Mind2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Cure Mental by Water"
Revitalize2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Body to call "Cure Physical by Water"
Fortitude3Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Resist" to a Metabolic Attack.
Second Chance4Refresh spent attributes that missed (missed spells) on a short rest (1 minute out of combat)
The Last Defense2Once per short rest, you may speak your incant and say "Grant 1 extra protection to self by magic" to layer yourself in a final layer of magical armor. This spell cannot be cast again on yourself until your extra protection has been expended.
Sustain Life2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body. Until you die, or complete a long rest you may then touch a target and call "Stabilize by Water". There is no limit to the number of times you may Stabilize. This spell lasts until you die or you rest to refresh attributes.
Séance3Speak your incant and call "Speak to Spirit" and make a packet attack vs the target. The subject is under no obligation or compulsion to speak with you, but it may do so if it wishes.
Return to the Well3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit and state "Imbue by Blessing" to enter the spirit state.You must then begin immediately traveling to the closest known Well. The time to travel is the time it takes you to physically walk to the Well. When you arrive at the Well call "Purge Spirit" to exit the spirit form. You must move at a walking pace. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light or hands held in front of you. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally.
Pursuit of Study 11You may learn one Battle Mage School.
Pursuit of Study 2
3You may learn a second Battle Mage School.
Pursuit of Study 35You may learn a third Battle Mage School
Pursuit of Study 47You may learn a forth Battle Mage School
Battle Mage Ritualist2You may use Brilliance to cast rituals requiring the Battle Mage Header.

Battle Mage: Study of Life

Study of LifeYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Not Today...0You and two other Life Battle Mages may stave off death from claiming a soul. Spend 2 minutes rping, either in song or elaborate coordinated ritual. There must be at least 3 Life Mages in this chant. When the rp is complete, if the dead target has not yet risen to spirit, you may touch a packet to the target and say "Cure Death by Blessing". If you are struck by an attack, this ritual is disrupted and you must start again. This skill can only be done once per day. Any Life Mage performing this ritual may not cast it again until the following day. This is a Mage Invocation. You may only have one active Mage Invocation per long rest.
Mass Sustain Life3Speak your incant and call "By My Voice Stabilize by Blessing". This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Healing Pool2You gain 10 packets of "Heal 2 by Blessing" to throw. You may reset this skill after a short rest a number of times equal to the maximum number of your Spirit attribute. Once you have reached that maximum, you cannot use this skill until you take a long rest.
Mass Heal4Speak your incant and call "By My Voice Heal 2 by Blessing". This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Bandage1When you use the first aid skill it also cures a maim at the end of the count.
Reinvigorate2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Cure Metabolic by Blessing"
Greater Heal2Speak your incant and exhaust 2 points of Mind to call "Heal 8 by Blessing" and make a packet attack.
Strengthen Ally2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Cure Weakness by Blessing"
Self Sustain2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to target yourself with this spell. At any point while this spell is active you may call "Stabilize to Self." This spell lasts until you die, it is used, or you rest to refresh attributes.

Battle Mage: Study of Necromancy

Study of NecromancyYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Control the Throng0You may point at an undead target and say "By my gesture, repel to undead." You must be certain your target is undead. You may use this skill twice per short rest. This is a Mage Invocation. You may only have one active Mage Invocation per long rest.
It's In the Eyes2After 10 seconds of focus you may expend a point of Spirit and call out "By my Gaze Expose Undead by Cold" and make a packet attack.
Soul Drink2Once per long rest, after delivering a successful deathstrike, you may drain the victim's soul to heal yourself. Say "Imbue by Despair and heal 10 to self" after delivering the deathstrike.
Life Eternal3You may exhaust 2 Body, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Cold". If you die while this spell is active, you may, at anytime before your five minute death count has expired and you turn to spirit, invoke this spell and say "Cure Death by Disease" and rise up. You now have the Undead trait. You are immune to bane attacks that are to "living", immune to poison, disease, and cold effects, and can be affected by "To Undead" effects. This spell is permanent until you are killed again. If you end the weekend with the undead trait from this spell, please inform the plot team. If your vitality falls to zero, you immediately turn to spirit and seek resurrection.
Claws of Despair1Speak you incant and exhaust a point of Body. You may grow one or two claws. You may not cast magic while wielding claws
The Touch from Beyond2Speak your incant, exhaust 1 point of Mind and say "5 damage by Cold". If you currently have the undead trait, you may immediately cast this a second time at the same target for no additional cost.
The Crippling1Exhaust a point of Spirit and speak your incant and say "Maim by disease" and throw a packet at a target
Wolf Amidst the Sheep2You may exhaust a point of Spirit, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Magic". You are now immune to "expose undead" effects, and need not make a verbal call of "no effect." This spell will only function if you possess a locket or medallion of silver (or silver-like metal) and you must be wearing it openly so others can see it easily. This spell lasts until you take a long rest.

Battle Mage: Study of Death

Study of DeathYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
A Strike of Mercy0If you are wielding a weapon, any time you are delivering a Death Strike, after the first count of "Death Strike One..", you may strike the helpless target and say "Death." This is a Mage Invocation. You may only have one active Mage Invocation per long rest.
Grave Understanding1Speak your incant and call "Speak to Dead" and make a packet attack vs the target.
Grip of Despair3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Stricken by Despair" and make a packet attack.
Pain of Existence3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to call "5 Damage by Aging" and make a packet attack.
Touch of Decay3Speak your incant, call "Death by Despair" and make a packet attack. This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Ignore the Call of the Grave2Exhaust two points of Spirit to call "Resist" to a Death effect. This can not be used against a Death Strike.
Impending Doom1Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to call "Agony by Aging" and make a packet attack.
The Welcoming Embrace of Home1Speak your incant to target yourself with this spell. At any point while this spell is active you may call "Death to Self." This spell lasts until used or you rest to refresh attributes.

Battle Mage: Study of the Mind

Study of the MindYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Maze of Pain0Once per event, you may touch a helpless target with a packet and say, "Affliction 1, affliction 2, affliction 3, inflict Imprisoned trait by Gloom." This spell is permanent until removed by a cure mental effect or a cure Inflict effect. The target is marked by you and at any time, you may call out, "By my voice, Agony to Imprisoned." This spell cost no attributes. If you change this Mage Invocation to another after a long rest, you cannot activate the "By my voice, Agony to Imprisoned" attack until you take a long rest again and switch to this Mage Invocation. This is a Mage Invocation. You may only have one active Mage Invocation per long rest.
Berserk3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Frenzy by Confusion" and make a packet attack.
Mute2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Silence by Gloom" and make a packet attack.
Willpower2Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Resist" to an Mental Attack.
Backlash2After you use a skill to resist a Mental attack you may call "Agony by Gloom" and make a packet attack at no additional cost as per the Chained Defense rules.
Exhaust3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to call "Waste 1 (Attribute) by Confusion" and make a packet attack. This attribute can only be Mind, Body, or Spirit.
Free Speech2Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Resist" to an Silence Attack.
Daze3Exhaust 2 points of Mind, speak your enchant, call "Stun by Confusion" and make a packet attack.
Understanding3Once per long rest, after 10 seconds of Focus on a person, you may call "By my Gaze Expose (Path)". You may choose any header or path from the rulebook when you use this skill. You may not use this skill on the same person during the event.


Druid5You cannot use a shield with these skills. (You may use your buckler from Briar Wreath.)
Call to the Grove3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit and state "Imbue by Nature" to enter the spirit state.You must then begin immediatly traveling to the closest known Grove. The time to travel is the time it takes you to physically walk to the Grove. You must move at a walking pace. When you arrive at the Grove call "Purge Spirit" to exit the spirit form. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light or hands held in front of you. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally.
Druidic Vigor 14Your Vitality is permanently increased by 1.
Druidic Vigor 24Your Vitality is permanently increased by 1.
Natural Weaponry2May hold a blunt weapon (mace, club, staff) while casting spells from the Druid Header. This weapon should appear to be made of natural materials (wood, bone, etc). Your other hand must remain free. You must have the appropriate skill to use the weapon.
Restore Metabolism2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Cure Metabolic by Earth"
Disentanglement1Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Body to call "Cure Root by Earth"
Haste2Exhaust a point of Body to call "Resist" to the Slow Effect.
Live off the Land2Gain 2 shards at check in.
Get Back Up2You may exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Stabilize to self by Earth." when you fall unstable and are within 6 feet of a tree that is big enough you cannot push over.
Preventative Healing2You may exhaust a point of Body and call "Resist by Nature" to resist any effect that you can cure from the Druid header. You may only use this skill once per short rest.
Armed with Nature1If your weapons or armor appear to be wooden, you may spend 30 seconds of focus under tree cover and call out "Repair weapon (or armor) by nature to self".
Path of Growth 11You may learn one druid path.
Path of Growth 23You may learn a second druid path.
Path of Growth 35You may learn a third druid path.
Path of Growth 47You may learn a forth druid path.
Druid Ritualist2You may use Brilliance to cast rituals requiring the Druid Header

Druid: Path of Nature

Path of NatureYou cannot use a shield with these skills. (You may use your buckler from Briar Wreath.)
The Forest is my Ally0If you are in your grove, or if you are in nature without man-made structures in sight, you are immune to "root by thorns" and "root by earth." This is a Druidic Grace. You may only have one active Druidic Grace per long rest.
Revitalization3To use this ability you must place both hands on a tree big enough to not be pushed over. Spend 30 seconds of focus, then spend one Body to end any ongoing effect that is not an Inflict effect. Call out “Purge by Nature.”
Pacify3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Disarm by Thorns" and make a packet attack.
Immobilize2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Root by Thorns" and make a packet attack.
Detox1Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Body to call "Cure Poison by Earth"
Natural Linguist1Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Speak to Zoophyte" or "Speak to Beast" and make a packet attack vs the target. The subject is under no obligation or compulsion to speak with you, but it may do so if it wishes.
Natural Transcendence3You may take the form of the Zoophyte. You must wear the druid rune/zoophyte symbol visibly and have makeup or mask that signifies you are in Zoophyte form. You will then use a Zoophyte stat card you have access to.This ability lasts until you remove the mask/makeup/rune. This skill may only be used once event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Briar Wreath2You may create from the natural world, a buckler. This buckler must look natural. You may cast spells from the druid header with this buckler in hand. You still must have a hand free.

Druid: Path of Storms

Path of StormsYou cannot use a shield with these skills. (You may use your buckler from Briar Wreath.)
Child of the Maelstrom0If it is raining with rain drops heavy enough to fall from the leaves, you may increase two of your 10 Lightning Barrage packets to 4 damage by lightning. Additionally, each time you clearly hear thunder, you may cast a slam by lightning for no attribute cost. This is a Druidic Grace. You may only have one active Druidic Grace per long rest.
Lighting Barrage2Speak your incant and exhaust 2 points of Spirit. You gain 10 packets of "2 Damage by Lightning" to throw. This spell lasts until all the attacks have been expended or you rest to refresh the attribute.
Electrocute1Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Agony by Lightning" and make a packet attack.
Static Deflection2This spell envelopes you in a shield made of storms that can easily deflect projectile weapons. Speak your incant, exhaust 1 Spirit, and say “Imbue by Lightning”. You must call the “Shield” defense to the next 3 arrow or missle attacks that strike you, whether they are called attacks or uncalled.
Transcendence of Storms2You may take the form of the Elemental. You must wear the druid rune/elemental symbol visibly and have makeup or mask that signifies you are in Elemental form. You will then use a Elemental stat card you have access to.This ability lasts until you remove the mask/makeup/rune. This skill may only be used once event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Elemental Defiance2Exhaust a point of Body to call "Resist" to an Elemental Attack.
Energy Barrier3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Grant Elemental Defense Shield by Lightning" and touch your target.
Chain Lightning4Exhaust 1 point of Mind, speak your incant and say "4 damage by lightning". If the packet strikes the target (regardless if it is negated), you may immediately make a second packet attack at a different target and call "3 damage by lightning". If the packet strikes the target (regardless if it is negated), you may make a third packet attack and call "2 damage by Lightning" at a different target. If you miss with any of these attacks, the spell ends. You must take a short rest to use this skill again.

Druid: Path of The Beast

Path of The BeastYou cannot use a shield with these skills. (You may use your buckler from Briar Wreath.)
The Rage of the Wild0Anytime you are struck with a Frenzy effect, you immediately gain 5 protection. This effect ends when the Frenzy ends. This is a Druidic Grace. You may only have one active Druidic Grace per long rest.
Bestial Transcendence 3You may take the form of the Beast You must wear the druid rune/beast symbol visibly and have makeup or mask that signifies you are in Beast form. You will then use a Beast stat card you have access to.This ability lasts until you remove the mask/makeup/rune. This skill may only be used once event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Natural Defense3You may focus for one minute to gain two armor points. These points may further be refreshed after being expended with a minute of Focus. These points do not stack with any other armor points and are lost if you use armor points from any other source. A Grant of armor will work with this skill. In order to benefit from this skill, you must wear clothing of a druidic nature.
Clear Mind2Exhaust a point of Mind and after three seconds (as per the Purge rules) call "Purge Frenzy."
Beast Claws3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to grow claws. You may use one or two claws. This spell lasts until you put down your claws or you rest to refresh attributes. If wielding only one claw you may cast spells purchased in the Druid header. You may not cast with two claws.
Pounce4Your claws CAN always attack for 2 damage. This lasts until you are struck, whether you negate the attack with a defense or not. You can reset this on a minute of rest.
Courage1Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Resist" to an attack with the Fear trait.
Maul2When using claws you may exhaust a point of Body to call "Maim" and make a melee attack.

Druid: Path of Restoration

Path of RestorationYou cannot use a shield with these skills. (You may use your buckler from Briar Wreath.)
A Touch of Purity0You may choose to change any beneficial trait you cast to "Living", "Awakened", or "Bloom" to keep from aiding the wickedness of the dead or corrupted. For example, you may choose to change the trait of your "Halo of Restoration" verbal to "Heal 2 to Living". This is a Druidic Grace. You may only have one active Druidic Grace per long rest.
Halo of Restoration2Once per short rest, speak your incant and gain 10 packets of "Heal 2 by Nature" to that you may touch cast or throw. This spell lasts until all the attacks have been expended or you rest. You may reset this skill after a short rest a number of times equal to the maximum number of your Spirit attribute. Once you have reached that maximum, you cannot use this skill until you take a long rest.
Natures Resolution2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Body to call "Cure Elemental by Nature"
Mending2Speak your incant, touch your target, and exhaust a point of Body to call "Cure Maim by Nature"
Abundant Healing4Every time you use a charge from your Aura of Restoration you may call "Heal 1 to Self" in addition.
Analyze Affliction1You may then touch a target and call "Diagnose X by Nature". There is no limit to the number of times you may diagnose. You may diagnose any elemental, mental, metabolic, or physical trait, as well as "Light", "Curse", and "Shadow" This spell lasts until you rest to refresh attributes.
Tranquil Guidance3Speak your incant and call "By My Voice Stabilize by Nature". This skill may only be used once per long rest.
Children of the Forest2If you are healed by the trait "nature" by someone other than yourself, you may increase that healing. Say "Increased" each time you are healed by nature and heal for 1 more point than the verbal.


Fighters Vitality4Your Vitality is permanently increased by 1.
Improved Fighters Vitality4Your Vitality is permanently increased by 1.
Well Armored3You may wear 2 additional point of armor. If your armor is destroyed, you may not refresh this armor on the field. Destroyed (with the Destroyed effect) armor must be refreshed at a forge with the Smithing Skill.
Warrior's Gift2You may call "Reduce to 1 Damage" when struck by a damage based attack. You must take a short rest to use this skill again.
Parry3Exhaust two points of Mind to call out "Parry" when struck by a melee attack.
Great Strike3Exhaust a point of Body to call out "5 Damage" with a melee or thrown weapon attack.
Pressure Point Strike2Exhaust a point of Spirit to call out "Agony" with a melee or thrown weapon attack.
Render Limb2Exhaust a point of Body to call out "Maim" with a melee or thrown weapon attack.
2H Great Strike3Exhaust a point of Body to call out "10 Damage" with a melee using a 2 handed weapon.
The Will and the Way1Roleplay focusing on your weapon for 5 minutes to add or to your melee or ranged weapon attacks purchased from the Fighter Header. You must repeat the role play to change your selection.
The Way of Iron4Spend 1 minute of focus roleplay adjusting your armor and call out "Refresh Armor to Self." If you focus for an additional 30 seconds (90 seconds total) you gain the benefits of a "short rest".
Fighter Specialty 11You may learn one fighter speciality.
Fighter Specialty 23You may learn a second fighter speciality.
Fighter Specialty 35You may learn a third fighter speciality.
Fighter Ritualist2You may use Brilliance to cast rituals requiring the Fighter Header.

Fighter: Steelbound Specialty

Steelbound Speciality
Blood Bond0If you are bonded to another and possess the trait "Bond", your parry skill is reduced by 1 mind from the fighter header if you are protecting the person you are bonded with. You must be within 3 feet of your bonded person. This is a Fighter Prowess. You may only have one active Fighter Prowess per long rest.
Shield2This skill allows you to use a full size shield.
Full Plate3You may wear 2 additional points of armor. If your armor is destroyed, you may not refresh this armor on the field. Destroyed (with the Destroyed effect) armor must be refreshed at a forge with the Smithing Skill.
Superior Steel2You may call "Guard" to the first agony, damage, or maim effect that strikes you. This skill is reset each time you refresh your armor.
Reprisal2When you use the Parry skill you may immediately make a "Agony" melee attack as per the Chained Defense rules.
Improved Healing2If you are healed by the trait "Blessing" by someone other than yourself, you may increase that healing. Say "Increased" each time you are healed by Blessing and heal for 1 more point than the verbal.
Exhausting strike3Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Weakness" with a melee or thrown weapon attack.
Pop It Back In1Roleplay resetting your limb while focusing for 10 seconds and Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Purge Maim."
Fortress of the Titans5You have chosen to focus entirely on defense, standing stalwart against the onslaught. Exhaust 2 Body and say "I am the Fortress, Imbue by Will". The following effects occur: You take the effect of a Root, Weakness, and Stricken. Until you fall unconscious or dead, you may reduce all called damage attacks to 1 damage, say "Reduce to 1 damage". You gain 5 Protection. If three or more Steelbound stand adjacent to one another, and they are all wielding shields, they may activate Fortress of the Titans together, you may reduce all called non-beneficial attacks to 1 damage. If you are cured or purged of your root, weakness, or stricken effect, this ability ends. If you fall dead or unconscious, the Root, Weakness, and Stricken effect ends.

Fighter: Dervish Specialty

Dervish Specialty
Whirlwind of Steel0Once per long rest, if you are wielding two weapons and there are no allies within 20 feet of you and you are fighting two or more enemies, say "Imbue by Whirlwind". You gain 5 protection and all your melee damage from this header is increased by one . This protection fades when other allies join you or the combat ends. This is a Fighter Prowess. You may only have one active Fighter Prowess per long rest.
Two Weapon Style2You may fight with a long weapon (other than a spear) in your off hand while using a long weapon (other than spear) in your main hand.
Follow-Through2Exhaust a point of Spirit, make a melee attack and call "5 damage". If you land the first 5 damage and the opponent takes the effect and does not negate it with a skill, you may immediately make a second 5 damage attack with no attribute cost.
Surge1You may make any melee attack from the Fighter header a “Double” attack. This skill may be used once per event with no attribute cost. Afterwards you must exhaust a point of Vigor to use it.
Break'em both2When you use the Maim skill you may immediately make a second "Maim" melee attack.
Disarm Shield3Exhaust a point of Body to call "Disarm Shield" with a melee attack.
Exsanguinating strike3Exhaust a point of Mind to call "Short Drain" with a melee or thrown weapon attack.
Stay There3You may call call "Short Root" with a melee or thrown weapon attack. You may only use this skill once per short rest.
Shake It Off2Roleplay stretching for 10 seconds and Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Purge Weakness."
I'm Keeping That2Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Resist" to the Disarm Effect.

Fighter: Eldritch Warrior

Eldritch Warrior
Imbue Weapon With Spells/ Eldritch weapon0You have the ability to store spells in your weapon ahead of time. In order to store spells in your weapon, the spell much additionally state that it can be channeled and use Mind, Body, or Spirit as an attribute cost. Up to twice per short rest, you may store a spell in your weapon. Exaust the attributes, speak the incantations of the spell, but use "Imbue by Magic" as the verbal. When you choose to use the spell you simply call the effect and the trait. The spells must be used as melee attacks throught the weapon you have them storied in. They don't need to be the next attack you make with the weapon and you can keep them stored whie using other abilities including channeling other spells through your weapon. These spell expire the next time you take a long rest. You may ever only have two spells stored, regardless of the number of weapons you carry. This is a fighter prowes. You may only have one active fighter prowess per long rest.
The Broken Crown2Once per long rest, you may point at a target and say, "By my gesture, drain Halo of Destruction/Halo of Restoration by Will" This is a Fighter Prowess. You may only have one active Fighter Prowess per long rest.
The Wall of Deflection2Once per long rest, you may call "Resist" to a spell attack that hits your shield. You must have arcane sigils and symbols on your shield to use this spell.
2You may exhaust a point of Body to call out "Concentrate" while casting a spell. You must take a long rest to use this skill again.
Return the favor3Once per event, if struck with a spell packet attack, you may call "absorb." You may then store that spell in your weapon (only if your weapon has a free slot to store it) and deliver that attack back at the attacker (and only the attacker) through channelling. You may use a point of Vigor to use this skill again.
Sorcery-Laced Armaments1Once per long rest, you may speak your incant and call "Refresh all armor to self" and refresh your armor instantly.
Imprisonment3Speak your incant and exhaust 2 points of Mind and call "Paralyze by Will" and make a packet attack. This spell can be channelled through your Eldrich Weapon.
Writhe1Speak your incant and exhaust 1 point of Spirit and call "3 damage and Agony by Cold" and make a packet attack. This spell can be channelled through your Eldrich Weapon.
The Sorcerer's Raiments2Speak the phrase, "Shroud me in Sorcery, Imbue by Magic". You must say "Reduced to 1 damage" to the next three called attacks that successfully hit you. You may choose to use any resists, parries, and avoids first, if you possess any of those skills and they apply to the attack you're struck with. This skill can only be used once per event. You may use a point of Vigor to use this skill again.
Pierce the Protections2Speak your incant, spend 1 body and call "5 damage by Force." If the attack is negated with a "Shield", "Guard", or "Elude" call, you may make this attack again without additional cost. If you miss a legal target on your second attack, the spell is gone. This spell can be channelled.


Scout5You cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Environmental Endurance4Your vitality is permanently increased by 1
Hard to Hit3You are quick enough on your feet to dodge attacks rather than wear heavy armor to protect you. You gain two points of dexterity armor. After being expended, these points may be refreshed with a minute of Focus. These points do not stack with any other armor points and are lost if you use armor points from any other source. A grant armor effect will stack with these armor points. If you are affected by a "slow" effect, you immediately lose these armor points and you may not refresh this armor until the slow effect has been rested off or removed.
Lightning Speed3Increases the armor gained from the Hard to Hit skill to 4 points.
Twin Blades2You may fight with a long weapon (other than a spear) in your off hand while using a long weapon (other than spear) in your main hand.
The Blade and Bow2You may wield a bow in your off hand and block with it.
Now You See Me...3You may negate any melee, missile, or packet attack that targets you. Call out "Avoid" when struck and exhaust 3 points of Mind.
Strike the Nerve2Exhaust a point of Body and call "Agony" and make a melee or ranged attack.
The Better Part of Valor1Exhaust a point of Spirit to call "Disengage"
Hidden in the Shadows2If you are hidden well either in the woods or darkness and you are wearing scout-like thematic attire (leathers, cowls, etc), you may choose to resist an expose effect. Exhaust one point of Spirit for each resist. You need not make the verbal "resist" call when activating this skill.
Light On Your Feet2Exhaust a point of Mind and call "Resist" to any "Root" effect that strikes you.
Blow to the Heart2Exhaust a point of Body and call "5 damage" and make a melee or ranged attack.
Scout Profession 11You may learn one Scout speciality.
Scout Profession 23You may learn a second Scout speciality.
Scout Profession 35You may learn a third Scout speciality.
Scout Ritualist2You may use Brilliance to cast rituals requiring the Scout Header.

Scout: Ranger

RangerYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
The Right Tool for the Job0Any melee called attack skill you possess may be transferred to a bow as well, unless the skill description specifically precludes it, such as "Pass the Guards." This is a Scout Expertise. You may only have one active Scout Expertise per long rest.
Medicine Pouch2You must carry a small pouch either around your neck or on your belt to use this skill. You may heal for "Heal 2 by Nature" You may refresh this by rping gathering herbs and roots in the woods after a short rest.
Sabertooth1You may wield a one-handed spear in your off hand.
The Old Tongue1Once per short rest, you may touch a packet to a target and say, "Speak to beast". This will allow you to speak with Beasts of the natural world. They may choose not to speak with you, but they will understand you.
Friend of the Briar1Exhaust a point of body, say "Root by thorns", and strike your opponent with a melee attack.
Reveal thy Prey2Choose a from a list (Fae, Beast, Zoophyte, Undead). Once chosen, it may not be changed. Exhaust 1 Spirit, and say "By my voice, expose x" where x is the chosen enemy trait.
My Ancient Adversary2After your chosen enemy has been exposed (using the Reveal thy Prey), you may choose to change any trait of your attacks to a bane attack that targets your chosen enemy. Example: If your chosen enemy is Beast, and you target has been revealed as such, you may change what normally would be an "Agony by Fire" attack to "Agony to Beast". *You may change this trait an equal amount of times to the amount of maximum Spirit you possess, although this skill does not exhaust the spirit. This power resets on a short rest.
Spirit of the Wood3Exhaust 2 points of Spirit and state "Imbue by Nature" to enter the spirit state. In order to use this skill you must near a tree that is at least 1 foot in diameter. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light or hands held in front of you. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally. You may not move while in this state (with the exception of a single step for safety or footing reasons.)
Pass the Guards4Exhaust a point of Mind and strike your target with a melee attack and say "5 damage" with your main hand. If your target does not negate it with a defense, rps the effect, and you are wielding a melee weapon in your main hand and a spear or long melee weapon in your off-hand, you may immediately strike your target with your spear/long weapon and say "Root" with no additional cost. If your target does not negate this attack with a defense and rps the effect, you may immediately make a third attack on a separate target, exhaust a point of body and say "Stun".
Armed with Nature1If your weapons or armor appear to be wooden, you may spend 30 seconds of focus under tree cover and call out "Repair weapon (or armor) by nature to self".

Scout: Mystic Archer

Mystic ArcherYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Fish in a Barrel0Once per long rest, if you see a target take the effect of a root, you may immediately throw a packet arrow at that target and call "Stun." You may only throw this packet once, whether you miss with your first attack or not. This is a Scout Expertise. You may only have one active Scout Expertise per long rest.
Suppressing Fire3Expend 1 Spirit and make a ranged attack "Short Root". If your target role plays the effect you may then point your bow at them and call "By My Gesture Root." You may not fire your bow while holding the gesture.
Puncture2After 3 seconds of rping aiming, you may exhaust 2 points of Body throw your packet arrow at your target and say, "Destroy Armor by Force"
Death From Above3Call "Death" with a missile attack. This skill may only be used once per event. You may Exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
I am the Storm2Exhaust 2 points of Mind and say "Root to Self by Trance." You fall into a deep meditative state where only the target matters. You may not speak or take any other actions (But can call the following defenses if you have them active; Elude, Guard, and Shield). Until you are cured of your root, you fall unconscious or dead, all of your damage on ranged attacks are increased by one. This includes uncalled damage, which changes to "2 damage by weapon". You may, at any time, end this state on your own by saying "Cure Root by Will"
Quick as the Wind2Exhaust 2 points of Mind and say "Avoid by Wind" to avoid a packet or ranged weapon attack only.
Eyes of the Killing Fields2Exhaust a point of Spirit to intimidate your foe. Point at your target and say, "By my gesture, Repel by Fear"
Split the Arrow2Exhaust 1 point of Body, make a ranged attack with your arrow and call "5 damage" If the target does not negate the attack with a defense and rps the effect, you may immediately make another ranged attack for "5 damage and agony" at the same target.
Stillness of the Mind1You may exhaust a point of Mind to call "Resist" to any attack that strikes you with the effect "Frenzy"
A Second Quiver1Exhaust a point of Mind. You may empower yourself to carry a second quiver of arrows for the purposes of uncalled attacks. These arrows must be refreshed the same way as you do with the open skill Archery.

Scout: Arcane Trickster

Arcane TricksterYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Wards? What Wards?0Once per long rest, while on a module, you may spend a minute of roleplay at a ward or magical barrier to find a weakness in the magic. After your minute of rp, say "Imbue by magic" and pass through the barrier. This can never be used to bypass a player's cabin wards. This is a Scout Expertise. You may only have one active Scout Expertise per long rest.
Just a scratch, really.2If you are affected by a trap you may Exhaust a point of Spirit and call "Reduce to 1 damage." You must short rest before you use this skill again.
Assassinate3If you have successfully struck a target with a silence effect, you may immediately strike them again and call out "Death by Poison" This skill may only be used once per event. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Choking Dust1Exhaust a point of body, throw a packet and say, "Silence by Air".
Darkness, My Old Friend2You may reduce the cost of your "Now You See Me..." skill by one 1 Mind if you are shrouded in dark clothing and there is no direct light upon you.
Legerdemain3If you successfully catch a spell packet attack, you may call "Resist by Magic". You may immediately throw the packet back at a target with the same verbal that was used upon you. Example, If a Mage cast a spell "Stricken by Despair" upon you and you catch the packet successfully, say "Resist by Magic" and then throw the packet back (either at the caster or someone else) and say "Stricken by Despair"
Celerity3Exhaust a point of spirit and say "Imbue by Time". Until you are struck in a legal area (whether you negate it with a called defense or not), your uncalled attacks are "2 damage". Once you are struck, this power ends and you cannot reset it until you take a long rest. This does not stack with the damage increase from the skill "Long Bow" or "I am the Storm".
Tradecraft1Exhaust a point of body to call resist to any effect that strikes you that is by "Poison"
Cloak of Disguise2Exhaust 2 points of Body, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Magic". You gain the Illusion trait. You may wear a mask or makeup to look like one of the following creatures (Fae, Beast, Zoophyte, Undead). This mask will last until you refresh your attributes, choose to remove the magic, or you die and resurrect.


Wizard5You cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Enchanted Robes3You may focus for one minute to gain two armor points. These points may further be refreshed after being expended with a minute of Focus. These points do not stack with any other armor points and are lost if you use armor points from any other source. A Grant of armor will work with this skill. In order to benefit from this skill, you must wear clothing evoking magical presence marked with runes or arcane sigils.

Halo of Destruction2You've chosen to pick no physical weapons or shield up. If you carry no weapons, you may cast 10 packets for 2 damage by Magic" Speak your incant and say "Imbue by Magic". You may reset this spell on every short rest. This spell does not cost attributes to cast, but you may not wield or carry weapons of any kind.
Martial Training2Some Wizards are trained to wield weapons to supplement their magical talents. This weapon should evoke magical presence and be marked with runes or arcane symbols. You must have the appropriate skill to wield the weapon. This skill does not allow you to cast with any form of shield. Your casting hand must be free. One Handed Weapon or Staff
Arcane Adaption3If you are out of the attributes necessary to power a spell purchased from the Wizard header, you may exhaust two other attributes for every missing attribute you need to replace. There is no verbal associated with using this skill but you should roleplay some degree of fatigue or exhaustion as a result. This skill may only be used with Body, Mind, or Spirit and you must exhaust two of the same type of attribute. For example, if you are out of Body and want to cast a spell which requires exhausting 1 point of body, you could instead exhaust either two points of either mind or spirit in place of the body.
The Last Defense2Once per short rest, you may speak your incant and say "Grant 1 extra protection to self by magic" to layer yourself in a final layer of magical armor. This spell cannot be cast again on yourself until your extra protection has been expended.
Empower Spell2You may make add “Double” to one spell purchased from a wizard spell list. This skill may be used once per long rest. If this skill is used in combination with a skill that already uses double you may add "Triple" to the attack.
Preparation3You gain 3 points of Preparation to use during the event. A point of Preparation may be used in place of an attribute point when casting a Wizard spell. These points do not refresh when you refresh attributes. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use the 3 points of Preparation a second time.
Aura of the Aegis2Spend 20 seconds focusing, speak your incant and say "Grant Shield to Self by magic."
The Bond of the Arcane2Refresh spent attributes that missed (missed spells) on a short rest (1 minute out of combat)
Prismatic Mastery3You have mastered the art of reshaping your magics. You may choose to change the trait of your Halo of Destruction (10 Packets Ability) to the following based on your chosen Paths: Cloister Magic - Will, War - Fire and Ice, Auspice - Aging and Inspiration, Refraction - Fear and Confusion.
School Of Magic 11You may learn one Wizard School.
School Of Magic 23You may learn a second Wizard School.
School Of Magic 35You may learn a third Wizard School
School Of Magic 47You may learn a fourth Wizard School
Wizard Ritualist2You may use Brilliance to cast rituals requiring the Wizard Header.

Wizard: School of the Cloister

School of the CloisterCircles are between 4-8 feet in diameter and must be well marked with runes/other symbols. At night it must be lit. You cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
The Tower Arcanum0If you are within your circle and you fall unconscious, or are rendered incapacitated and an enemy seeks to drag you away, you may choose to call "Ambient Root to Self by Magic" once. Additionally, if you are within your circle, your Bleed Out count stops and you may purge any static effect on you that is delivered by an Elemental, Mental, or a Physical after two minutes whether you are conscious or not. This is a Wizard Sorcery. You may only have one active Wizard Sorcery per long rest.
Define CloisterAfter 30 seconds of focus, in which you are laying out markings, tiles, or premade materials in the general shape of a circle under 8 feet in diameter, you call "Inbue Cloister". The circle must be clearly defined and visable (so at night should be lit). You may only have one active Cloister at a time.
The Last Bastion1While in your circle Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "By my gesture, Repel by Magic" and hold out your casting hand, palm out towards one target. This spell ends when you lower your hand or rest to refresh attributes.
Sharing of Power1Speak your incant and exhaust 2 points of Body. You may then touch a
willing target and call out "Refresh 2 (Attributes)
by Will.
Gift of the Compass Rose1You may exhaust a point of Mind, touch a willing target. "Grant defense shield Elemental/Mental/Metabolic/or Physical." While in your circle, you may grant this protection to an additional target.
Phantom Form4Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit and state "Imbue by Magic" to enter the spirit state.You may then either remain in your Cloister and end the effect at will by saying "Purge Spirit" OR You must immediatly begin immediatly traveling to the closest known Compendium. The time to travel is the time it takes you to physcially walk to the Compendium. You must move at a walking pace. When you arrive at the Compendium call "Purge Spirit" to exit the spirit form. You should strive to signify the spirit state with a purple light or hands held in front of you. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. Any attacks or effects with target "to spirit" will affect you normally.
The Ring of Protection2Exhaust 1 Mind and grant 1 elude to a willing target. If in your circle, fork this spell and grant it to two targets for same cost. If you have the skill "Halo of Destruction" active, and you are in your circle, you may cast this spell on two targets and yourself without additional cost.
Band of Bravery2You may cure any static effect delivered by fear. Focus 30 seconds while roleplaying, touch your target, and call "Cure Fear by Magic" This does not cost attributes
The Clarion Call2You may cure any static effect delivered by trance. Focus 30 seconds while roleplaying, touch your target, and call "Cure Trance by Magic" This does not cost attributes

Wizard: School of War

School of WarYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Battle Hardened0Once per long rest, you may cast a spell from the Wizard Header without the required incantation. You must still speak the verbal before throwing your packet. This is a Wizard Sorcery. You may only have one active Wizard Sorcery per long rest.
Searing Flame2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit to call "3 Damage and Agony by fire" and make a packet attack.
Frostbite2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Maim by ice" and make a packet attack.
The Rime Blade2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Body to call "5 Damage by Ice" and make a packet attack. If you have the skill "Halo of Destruction" active, you may reset this spell after a short rest, you must still exhaust the first point of body
The Raging Inferno2If you are struck with an agony effect, you may choose to exhaust a point of Spirit and call "Reduce to Frenzy and Imbue by Madness". You may then cast 10 packets of 2 damage by fire." If you are cured of your frenzy or fall unconscious, these 10 packets are lost.
The Flame Holds No Sympathy2Once per short rest, if you see an opponent struck with an agony effect and they rp the effect, you may speak your incant, throw a packet and say "Disarm by Fire" to take advantage of their pain.
Blood-Boil3Once per event you may speak your incant and say "Double 10 damage by Fire" and throw a packet. Immediately after casting, say "5 damage and stricken to self" and take the effect. You may not negate this second effect by any means. You may exhaust a point of Vigor to use it a second time.
Flaws in the Crafting2You must wield a weapon in your off hand to cast this spell. You have a better understanding of the weaknesses in armaments. Exhaust a point of Body, speak your incant and say "Destroy weapon by fire" and throw a packet.
The Chill Grasp1Speak your incant, exhaust a point of Mind to call "Root by Ice" and make a packet attack

Wizard: School of Auspice

School of AuspiceYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
Master of Nomenclature0You may find perfection in your spell and deliver it unerringly. Once per event, you may deliver one spell you can cast from the Wizard Header and change the delivery to "By your name." You must know the name of the target to cast this spell on them. You cannot cast this spell another time that day by any means. This is a Wizard Sorcery. You may only have one active Wizard Sorcery per long rest.
To Walk the Threads3Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Spirit and state "Imbue by Shadow" to enter the spirit state. You may turn to spirit as long as you remain in shadow and avoid bright light. You should strive to signify spirit state with a purple light or hands held together infront of you. You may also reach out to one target, touch them and say "Imbue by magic" to speak with them. You may remain speaking with this target in a whisper to garner information or discuss matters. You must call out "Spirit" if someone attempts to interact with you. You may not move while in Spirit from. Any attack or effect "To Spirit" will affect you. You may end this effect at any time by calling "Cure Spirit".
Precognition2You may exhaust 2 points of Mind, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Inspiration". Choose a trait AND effect. If you are struck with this trait and effect, you may call "Avoid by Inspiration". Example: You choose to guard yourself against "Death by Fire". During combat, you are struck by "Death by Fire". You may call "Avoid by Inspiration" to this attack. If however, you were struck by "Death by Magic" or "Paralyze by Fire", this spell would not protect you. If you have the skill "Halo of Destruction" active, this spell is reduced by 1 mind.
Slow the Falling Grains2Speak your incant, exhaust 1 point of Body and call "Short Paralyze by Aging" and make a packet attack
The Weight of the World2Speak your incant and exhaust a point of Mind to call "Weakness and Slow by Aging" and make a packet attack.
Foresight2Before entering a module, you may cast a spell on the guide who brings you. Exhaust 1 Spirit and say "Imbue by Blessing". You may then ask the guide 3 yes/no questions about what may be within. The guide may answer with information about the power of the monsters, if it is a trap, or something else. The guide may choose not answer for whatever reason.
Trace the thread1You may touch an incapacitated enemy, speak your incant and say "Inflict by Curse". You may then ask the target who they work for, who sent them, their allies, etc. If the target responds and answers you, exhaust a point of Spirit. Some targets may know nothing or be too willful to inflict this curse.
Reveal the Lies1Once per short rest, after 10 seconds of Focus on a person, you may call "By my Gaze Expose " where X is Undead, Illusion, Withered.
Cut the thread1Exhaust 1 point of Mind, speak your incant and say "10 damage to [x]" and make a packet attack. "X" is Undead, withered, or illusion

Wizard: School of Refraction

School of RefractionYou cannot use a shield or buckler with these skills.
The Mirror Reflected0Once per event, you may swap character cards/skills (and back) with a willing target. Roleplay magically transferring your powers for 1 minute. This skill sometimes can also have emotional and characteristic bleed over, such as having (tasteful) quirks or patterns of speech from your target, phobias, or even impairments such as a phantom limb. You may at anytime rp returning to yourself after 1 minute of rp with the target. This is an Wizard Sorcery. You may only have one active Wizard Sorcery per long rest.
Fantasmagoria3Speak your incant, exhaust 2 points of Mind and call "Drain by fear" and make a packet attack.
Illusory Robes2Increases the armor gained from Enchanted Robes to 4 points.
Displacement1If you possess the skill "Aura of the Aegis" you may improve upon it with this spell. Exhaust 1 Spirit, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Confusion." You may now choose to expend your shield only on the first called attack that strikes you, rather than the first called or uncalled attack. This spell is refreshed on a short rest. This spell will fade if you refresh your attributes.
The Endless Corridor2Exhaust a point of Mind, speak your incant, and say "Repel by Confusion" and throw a packet. If you have the skill "Halo of Destruction" active, you may reset this spell after a short rest, you must still exhaust the first point of Mind.
The Shattered Mirror2Exhaust a point of Body, speak your incant and say, "Imbue by Crystal". The next time your Displacement shield is struck, you may immediately make 3 packet attacks for "2 damage by Crystal". These packet attacks are still subjected to disruption if you are struck while attempting to cast them.
Hush2Exhaust a point of Spirit, speak your incant and say "Silence by fear" and throw a packet.
False Visage2Exhaust 2 points of Body, speak your incant and say "Imbue by Magic". You gain the Illusion trait. You may wear a mask or makeup to look like one of the following creatures (Elemental, Fae, DragonKin, Undead). This mask will last until you refresh your attributes, choose to remove the magic, or you die and resurrect.