The Lore of Ergus
The Onyx Isles
The nation, born from the struggles of its early inhabitants, is located within the Acrye Lake. The beautiful landscape of the Onyx Isles, with its white sandy beaches, beautiful fruit-bearing trees, and bright-colored creatures, is deeply cut into the floating communities of tied-together boats and pieces of various wreckage.
While much of the old cities now reside under the lake’s warm waters, the tallest spire of the old city still is a beacon of the nation, serving as the trade center of the Isles. Existing on the fine line between chaos and stability, the control of the guildmasters forming the Onyxia Conclave is one of the few actual laws of the Onyx Isles. Membership within the many guilds of the Isles is a practical requirement for society, as the only protections to the populace come from these guilds.
While most people of the Isles struggle to provide a basic existence for themselves, those that have climbed to the ranks of their guild live in luxury. This imbalance within society has created a culture in which thievery, piracy, and assassination are seen as a reasonable way to advance your position, and are often even encouraged by the guilds.

Cities and Landmarks
While most of the Isles consist of several smaller islands, there are a few notable points.
Onyx Fortress – Located on its own island close to the central island, the fortress is easily defendable. Once the home of Mourem, the Uniter, it now serves as the training grounds and barracks for the Onyx Knights.
Beacon of Trade – The business center of the isles, home of the “The Onyxian Conclave” where the guild masters meet, with many trade centers, large ports and docks, etc., was the tallest spire of the old lands before it sank. Now just the crystal tip is above water, and around it has grown a city.
Dragon Skull Island – This ancient island was said to be formed from the skull of a great dragon that fell into the Acrye lake. This is considered a holy site to the Onyx Knights and is off limits to anyone not recognized by the Knights.
The Maelstrom – Located to the west of the Isles is the powerful swirling waters and constant storms that serve as a powerful landmark to those that live within Acrye Lake.
Natural Resources
While fish, pearls, and other natural treasures from the lake are very common, there is also an active trade in the remains from the previous kingdom. Old jewelry, trinkets, and gems are often sought after. Some skilled free divers are renowned for their ability to retrieve these items.
Salt and fish are the biggest trade resources for the Onyx Isles with other nations.
People and Lifestyle
For most people life in the isles is hard, and the people tend to be very poor. You don’t survive long if you aren’t part of a guild, and guild membership is generally for life, with heavy fees and punishment both for leaving and for joining a new guild. Guild membership is appointed at the age of 12, and most children are absorbed into one of their parents’ guilds and are sought after by the guilds to strengthen their numbers. Each guild manages a harsh retribution for both their members and those not in the guild partaking in guild-controlled activities. One of the harshest punishments is to be branded unguilded. The unguilded are considered less than animals and generally ignored by all till they die off, unable to acquire food or even beg. Taxes are high with much trickle-up economics. Guild members look out for each other. Assuming a person follows all the codes of the respective guilds, there forms a bit of comradery among people working towards similar goals.
The entire nation is coastal, living on a series of islands. Boating is very common and most everyone that lives on the isles can serve on the boat in some way.
The people tend to be distrustful of those they don’t know, and even often those they do.
Appearance and Fashion
Due to the nature of the isles most clothing is durable and suitable for the sea and streets. Most people wear loose fitting comfortable clothing, and while it isn’t made of fancy fabrics or patterns, it tends to be well maintained and fitting for the job at hand. Metal armor is rare for its unsuitability for life on the water, and you’ll only really see it on the Onyx Knights. It’s not uncommon for those in higher positions within the guild to wear jewels and other trinkets as well as nicer imported fabrics.
Architecture and Art
The isles have a unique architecture. Featuring both the tops of the old spires and structures from the past, and a vast array of newer construction gives a sense of a nation rebuilding. While most people don’t have the time or funding to support art, old jewels and jewelry are often seen as status symbols. Stories and music (primarily sea shanties and drinking songs) are usually appreciated.
Uniquely there are massive floating communities. Once a single boat, then another added on, and another, until it creates a bustling community.
Food and Diet
Despite the poor environment food is relatively easy to get a hold of, as long as you enjoy fish. The Fishers Guild is able to procure what is needed and makes a decent profit, even with setting prices at an affordable price point.
There is trade with the surrounding nations for other forms of meat and produce, but it is very expensive and most may only try a bite or two in their lifetime.
Professions and Skills
Unification Day: a day to celebrate and remember the time after the cataclysm where Moreum united the people together, and to remember the fallen. Usually people set a candle adrift for lost loved ones. There is handing out treats and small gifts to represent the feeding and sharing of necessities with each other during the Unification. Unification Day is generally celebrated in the spring.
Each officially recognized guild has a guildmaster that represents the guild in the Onyxian Conclave. The council then creates laws to best keep the peace between the guilds, settles disputes between guilds, and otherwise manages the affairs of the Onyx Isles.
The laws within the Onyx Isles are few but absolute. All the laws dictate the ultimate power of the guilds within the Isles, granting the guildmasters the power to police their people as well providing protection to those members. How those responsibilities are handled is up to the individual guildmasters. There are also laws pertaining to relationships between the guilds and how new guildmasters are appointed, but those specifics are not openly known to the populace of the Isles. Each of the guilds, as set forth in the laws of the Onyx Isles, is responsible for several aspects within the Isles. While technically one could form their own guild within the Onyx Isles, the realistic potential of that happening is slim.
Organizations and Orders
(Players may come from any of the 5 guilds at character creation. A player may not start connected with the Onyx Knights).
The Seafarers Guild – Responsible for the crafters of the Isles. The Seafarers is unique in that it is broken up into many “sub-guilds,” each representing various trades and reporting to the head of the Shipwrights, who acts as the head of the Seafarers Guild.
The Merchants Guild – Responsible for facilitating and overseeing trade within the Isles and with other nations. They also have the most direct hand in policing the Beacon of Trade. The Merchants Guild is currently the wealthiest and most powerful of the guilds.
The Fishermen Guild – Responsible for the fishermen, farmers, and other trades that provide food from within the Isles. While not the most powerful of the guilds, the Fishermen Guild holds a respected position within the Onyx Conclave, and the Guildmaster is known for his unyielding determination.
The Assassins Guild – Counter to what the name implies, the Assassins Guild is responsible for the information of the Isles. Internally the Assassins Guild maintains records of genealogy, libraries, and information. Popular rumor also claims they serve as spies within other nations, and serve their original purpose of removing threats to the Isles.
The Thieves Guild – The Thieves Guild is responsible for the security of the Isles. Acting as the primary police force within the Isles, the Thieves Guild steps in to quell uprisings and maintain the limited peace of the Isles. The Thieves Guild is also a catchall for those individuals who do not fit within one of the other guilds.
The Onyx Knights – Little is known about the inner workings and goals of the Onyx Knights. Children are taught from a young age to get out of the Knights’ way and let them finish whatever task they are set forward to accomplish. Stories of the Onyx Knights taking items (and sometimes people) are often told, generally as an explanation of those lost artifacts.
Major Families and People
Guildmaster Bertuccio Morell – The Guildmaster of the Merchants Guild is known for his bold bright wardrobe and loud nature. Despite his young age many believe Bertuccio Morell to be one of the brightest minds among the guildmasters.
Skylar Salazar – If you own a Skylar Salazar Ship you own the fastest, strongest, most elegant ships ever created. Salazar’s skill is renowned throughout the isles and beyond. Salazar’s work is superior to others and rumored to be mystical in nature. They reportedly turned down the Guildmaster position when it was available, preferring to “build works of art over doing paperwork all day.”
Allistair Vayne – One of the most vocal dissents against the guild system is quietly known as a hero to the common people of the Isles. Even speaking his name could lead to harsh punishments, and those caught listening to his speeches are generally executed on the spot.
Sid Valor – While not the most recognizable face in the Isles, the stories of his exploits are well known by all. It is said this renowned treasure hunter can swim to the bottom of the lake and outrun the fastest of creatures. He reportedly returned the crystal blade to the Assassins Guild after it had been thrown overboard into the Maelstrom. Both the Assassins Guild and the Merchants Guild claim him to be a member of their guilds.
Myths and Lore
Sailors’ superstition heavily influences life on the isles, beliefs such as the danger of bringing a banana on a ship or the presence of certain birds being seen.
The Nautilus – In the early morning fog this ghostly form of a great ship’s appearance is said to foretell death on the water. Most captains won’t sail the day of the ship’s sighting.
The Crimson Thorn – Said to be one of the best assassins of all time, the Crimson Thorn would deliver a rose to their target the evening before the assassination was to take place. His legacy lives on and gifting a rose is a threat among those on the Isles.
The Aldorai – Many sailors report seeing humanoid shapes swimming below the waters of the lakes. There are both rumors of them aiding shipwrecked sailors or causing the shipwrecks themselves. While some claim the shapes are just the spirit remains of those killed during the Reckoning, others claim they spawn from the Maelstrom.
Relations with Other Nations
Trade is important to the Onyx Isles; therefore the pretense of good international relations are important to the society.
Ice Crystal Plains – the Onyx isles have strong relations with the Altheim, finding them to be an organized and structured society. On the other hand relations with the Alfinn are rocky with little reason.
Lodour Swamp – In general people of the Onyx Isles look down on the uncouth behavior of the people of Lodour.